Special Education » Mission & Goals

Mission & Goals

Mission Statement


The Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco Independent School District, BBPBISD, provides Special Education services and valuable education experiences for students with disabilities to develop the hearts and minds of all students, preparing them to be lifelong learners who continue their education, enter the world of work, and be productive citizens. The BBPBISD SPED staff will provide parents the opportunity for meaningful participation in the eligibility determination and the development of the IEP.


Students are eligible for special education services from the age of three through twenty-one and will have appropriate IEP’S in place by their 3rd birthday and through their 21st respectively and as needed.  Students who have hearing and vision disabilities may receive services from birth.  The District offers a full continuum of services to meet the needs of each student in the least restrictive environment ensuring access to the general education curriculum including but not limited to all youth ages 14 and above.  Students age 14 and up will have an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals.


The Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco Independent School District believes in inclusive education, to the maximum extent appropriate as well as providing quality services to the students of BBPBISD, Head Start and private schools.  Over 20 years of research has consistently demonstrated that the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms results in favorable outcomes.  Information about special education assessment and other services is available by contacting a campus administrator or the Special Education office at (361) 664-3201.