Title-I Parental Involvement News!


Parental Involvement

Information & Newsletters!

blog post {with entire series coming soon} about how it takes teachers, parents, AND students to make education work!:
Please click on the files below to view our Parental Involvement Newsletters!
Parental dedication & commitment will assist us in providing the highest quality of education
 to all students at Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco ISD.
TWC Announces a New Online Parent Portal!
Texas Rising Star
Parental Involvement Resources:http://www.esc16.net/users/0020/Resources/PI-Picture.gif
The following programs and organizations provide training and education for parents and school staff aimed at building family-school partnerships. The costs, quality and content vary widely. We do not recommend specific programs, rather list them here for your reference and review. We urge the consumer to be selective in their choices.