Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco Elementary

We have updated some of our practices. To protect our students and staff, we ask that all visitors use the following procedures upon entering our school:
  • Enter the school ONLY through the school's front doors.
  • Report directly to the front office upon entry.
  • Sign-in, present photo identification (e.g. driver's license) and obtain a pass before visiting halls or classrooms. 
If you or someone else is picking up your child from school, we require that you send a written notification to the school. The notice should state the name of the individual to whom your child should be released, the time of the release, a contact number for confirmation, and the signature of the parent or guardian. The designated person must then come to the school office, show ID and sign the child out of school before he/she will be released. 

News & Announcements

Texas Education Agency - Special Education Survey

Please click on link above for more information.

Our district is participating in the special education Differentiated Monitoring and Support process. Please provide feedback through this 10-20-minute survey. This information is vital to our ability to provide information to LEAs concerning their monitoring results.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information and provide support for all districts in Texas. Any comments or concerns specific to your district should be sent directly to your school district personnel as specific concerns will not be forwarded from TEA to districts.

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