Student Transfers
Student Transfers
Students who reside in Texas, but not within the Ben Bolt – Palito Blanco ISD (BBPBISD) boundaries, may apply for transfer into the District. BBPBISD transfer policy [see policy FDA(LOCAL)] requires students to apply for transfer every year by completing an Application for Transfer form. This form must be returned, either in person or by mail, to the BBPBISD Administration Office, located at 172 Badger Lane, Ben Bolt, TX 78342. The form may also be returned to the Principal’s office on the campus which the applying student wishes to attend.
Transfer Priority
Transfer requests for students currently enrolled in the District who wish to remain in the District and students who have close relatives (parents, grandparents, or siblings) employed in the District will be given priority over other transfer requests.
All other transfer requests will be evaluated in the order received.
Tuition Policy
Any Texas resident student who is approved for transfer shall be admitted tuition-free to campuses in the District for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Change of Resident Status during the Year
Residents who become nonresidents during the course of a school year shall become subject to all transfer policies and guidelines immediately upon moving out of the district.
General Guidelines
The following guidelines shall apply to interdistrict transfer requests:
- Students who have been expelled from other districts will not be enrolled until the matter has been resolved with the home district, and the transfer has the consent and approval of the building Principal and Superintendent or designee. Discipline records of applicants will be reviewed and considered prior to acceptance.
- Nonresident transfer students who are disruptive to the educational process during the school year shall be returned to their home district at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
- Transfer students must provide their own transportation to and from school. Student arrival and departure times must be within the campus guidelines for all students.
- Students must maintain excellent attendance to be eligible for transfer. Transfer students failing to maintain acceptable attendance may be returned to their home district at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
Contact Information
Please contact Sheila Buenrostro at (361) 664-9904 if you have any additional questions.